2022-8-6: Unboxing Rocks

8/6/2022: Unboxing the rock haul

Today is a great day for a few reasons. First of all, a box of rocks that I ordered came in the mail and we're going to unbox them in pure internet style. (Yes you can order boxes of rocks, it's pretty sweet). Secondly, we were visited by a professional hand model who volunteered to help with the unboxing. We don't want to use his full name due to contract disputes, but let's just call him "Nate."

A medium flat rate box can hold about 20+ lbs of rocks. Every few weeks I leave a 6 pack of beer for the mailman, otherwise this arrangement wouldn't work.

And here we go! A first look. Got some petrified wood that the seller added as filler, bless his heart.

A lot box is Ohio flint which I think is what this is.

A little B agate

Look better than the other pictures? I think so. That's due to the professional hand modeling happening in this photo, courtesy of "Nate" as we'll refer to him. Reminds me of a classic episode of Seinfeld. So smooth and buttery yet strong and assertive.

Sit back and enjoy the show!

No clue what this is, but it looks interesting!

Brazilian Agate - you can tell from the wax line

Plenty of petrified wood.

"Nate's" Hero